The Pain of a Data Breach
I have gotten some pushback when I talk about the “pain of a data breach”. The context that I use “pain” is describing to a business owner what happens in a data breach.
The financial pain
The anxiety
The decision making requirements without enough information
The anger
The reputation damage
The employee anxiety
sleepless nights
The ongoing regulatory issues
The angry customers
The potential layoffs
We don’t think business owners understand what happens in a data breach. What they will face. All the fast moving parts that have to be orchestrated.
Describing this to a business owner is not “fear based selling” or “FUD”. It is information that they need to know.
If they think their MSP or IT staff can just wave a magic wand and take care of all the details, if they experience a breach, they are mistaken.
If a doctor tells you what could happen to your health if you have Emphysema, is that fear based selling?
If they are trying to let you know the consequences of continuing to smoke are they “fear based selling”?
Or are they informing you as a healthcare professional, the impact of the disease?
If you describe the pain of a data breach, are you informing the client as a security professional?
Let me know your thoughts on this? 👇👇