
  • Information Technology and Services

    The information technology industry is constantly changing, leaving them at risk of cyber-attacks and making vulnerable their customer's privacy.

  • Legal Services

    Legal services should provide client confidentiality beyond formal non-disclosure agreements by ensuring their IT infrastructure is sufficiently secure to protect sensitive data.

  • Healthcare & Clinical Laboratories

    The healthcare industry is frequently targeted by cybercriminals seeking high value information such as patient records.

  • Financial Services

    The financial services industry is at risk of cyber attacks due to large monetary payoffs, but a data breach can mean losing more than money.

  • Non-Profits / Small Businesses

    For non-profits and small businesses, limited budgets and resources and the use of third-party vendors can make them a prime target for cybercrime.

  • Logistics & Manufacturing

    Logistics companies are entwined within production facilities and are dependent on manufacturers, all of which makes this industry a prime target.

    As more industrial control systems (ICS) are connected to smart devices and enterprise IT systems, manufacturers become more exposed to cyber attacks.